Rationalism vs Empiricism
Our ideas and
thoughts are debated to come from two different types of beliefs: rationalism
and empiricism. Rationalism and empiricism differ from one another. Rationalism
is believed that some ideas are natural and the rest come from our experience.
Where as Empiricism is believed that all ideas come from experience. In my
opinion empiricism is more plausible than rationalism. In order to understand
something, you understand it through experience. To back up my opinion,
Descartes uses an example to argue empiricism through an example of wax.
Descartes believes that you can’t understand the idea of melted wax if you have
never experienced it before in your life.
If a person has never known what melted wax was and you showed them a
solid piece of wax and a puddle of melted wax they would believe that they were
different. Until you brought them over to see the solid wax melt over the fire
then become a puddle of melted wax then they would understand that the wax is
the same even though it has changed. It’s the same material just changed and
transformed to something different. His idea was the belief that until you
experience it for yourself, you wouldn’t fully understand the ideas of the wax
and the melted wax.
Explanatory Breadth:
is the origin of ideas. Empiricism explains the origin of more ideas more
efficient than Rationalism. Empiricism is believed all your knowledge comes
from your experiences. However, rationalism ideas are innate. Rationalism fails
to explain where the ideas come from, although it’s said they’re natural.
Explanatory Depth:
is how detail an argument can dispense. Empiricism provides more detail than rationalism,
even though there isn’t much information, empiricism gives more. Empiricism
comes from experiences. And rationalism comes from innate. Which is more
complex to understand. For example, on how empiricism explain itself, if
someone where to work so hard to get into a program but in the end didn’t make
it, you can’t relate to what they’re going through unless you experience what
they are experiencing.
Simplicity: this
has fewer assumptions that make it hard to conceal hidden errors. Empiricism is
through experiences, there is nothing to question because the experience is the
proof to back it up its explanation. Rationalism is innate, which you have no profound
knowledge, only what you are born with.
Conservatism: this
is how well an argument fits with society in its beliefs. I believe that
Empiricism is a more consistent belief. Living in modern society, things are
changing every year; you always have to keep up with the new ideas. But empiricism
you would be learning by experiences, which everyone learns from their
experiences. Unlike, rationalism its ideas that come from when you are born. But
this isn’t helpful because you only know one way, and if things are changing you’ll
no longer be up to date.
1.) Empiricism and Rationalism are the most
plausible explanations in of origin of ideas.
2.) Empiricism has much more explanatory
depth and simplicity, whereas Rationalism has a little more explanatory breadth
3.) Therefore, Empiricism is the best
explanation of origin of ideas
I agree with you that you must experience something to understand it. The example on the wax helps to explain that, but I think you could have improved on your argument but explaining how empiricism is more plausible and explain why you think so. Overall, your blog argued why you agreed with empiricism, and had important arguments and points.