Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rationalism and Empiricism

    Rationalism and Empiricism, to rather different theories referring to where our ideas originate.  Rationalism is the belief that only some ideas are innate, with us from birth, so to speak. The idea that we still acquire ideas from experience, yet some we are born with. Then there is Empiricism. Empiricism is the belief that we acquire all ideas from in life experiences, this is stating that NO ideas are innate. I would have to agree with Empiricism because this seems to be more explanatory and more sensible. For example, we can all have an idea of what it feels like to be cold, or warm, remember the feeling of a comfortable heat against your skin. However, it is only because when you are truly experiencing it, the impression leaves behind a memory, an idea. Such as hunger, you can remember what it felt like, empty and rather hallow, however, only when you were truly hungry did you know what it felt like, because in that moment, you were truly feeling it.
  To better explain, or better yet, use a better example than a non-quelled hunger. Let's look at language. English, French, German, Russian, Belgian, Spanish, Mandarin, Italian, Japanese. No matter where you were born, or what language you developed. You knew nothing when you were born, you had to learn from experience, as the Empiricism theory states. You did not leave your mothers womb speaking fluent German. You learned from repeating sounds your mother, or your father made. You learned and you developed, from experience.
 To further elaborate. Let's sneak a look at an idea from Descartes. The candle wax.  Candle wax is hard, and cold, but it is still wax. Yet, put it to flame and it will melt, and scald, yet again it is still candle wax. Descartes explained then that, unless this idea had all ready lied innate within us, a person without experience would not be able to tell that the melted, and hardened pieces of  wax were one in the same.

  Explanatory Breadth: The Empiricism theory will give more a "breadth" to draw out. So to speak, it gives us many a more examples on ideas and theory. It gives us a more intelligent idea on where our ideas originate. While the Rationalism theory feels more personal and intimate, it merely only makes sense when applied to instincts and feelings, emotions. Therefore, it fails to prove that some ideas are innate.

Explanatory Depth: Empiricism again takes the title. Empiricism can go into much greater detail with where our ideas come from, can give a much more compelling argument on accounts of our thoughts and intellect. While Rationalism is thus lacking.

Simplicity: Now Rationalism takes the spotlight. Rationalism is in no doubt the simpler Theory here. It has little to it's story. Short and sweet, as all it does. Empiricism goes much to far into detail to take this cake.

1. Both are fine theories that attempt to explain the origin of our ideas.
2. Empiricism, however, gives a much more compelling argument and makes much more sence.
3. Therefore, Empiricism is the better theory in this debate.


  1. Great post! The example of language was a very strong argument to prove no knowledge is innate. One improvement I would suggest is to strengthen your refutement of Descartes wax example

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