Friday, November 7, 2014

Free Will

 To this debate there are two sides. Libertarianism and determinism, libertarianism is about humans having spontaneous free will and being able to basically create your own future and taking control of their own lives. Hard determinism is basically saying that humans don't have free will and all of their actions are based on previous psychological and physical events.
Out of these two, I believe that libertarianism is the side to which I’m more lenient to because of what he have accomplished and continue to discover every day. If we were mindless machines with thoughts programmed into our heads we would be just like robots. But no, we have such a great diversity in this world due to us humans having free will and it’s not like someone is telling us to do it, we decide what to do on our own. When we decide to go out for a run, you’re not thinking of step with one foot then the other numerous times, you just do it. We are not programmed and we also always have a choice no matter what, even in a hard scenario, if I was told that I was going to get beat up if I didn’t do their homework, I have various choices, get beat up, do it, stand up and fight him, call someone, etc. We have choices, we are not made to do anything, and we do it through our own consciousness.
Explanatory Breadth: Libertarianism has the most explanatory breadth, this explains how humans act, the reasons why they do good or bad from our actions due to free will. Also explains that involuntary reflexes can’t be controlled, even though we have complete control of ourselves. Determinism can’t even say the reason why, all they say that humans act the way they do because they have no control of their actions, but then can’t explain how he can do something automatically without thinking about it, like how we automatically breathe while we’re sleeping.
Explanatory depth: Libertarianism makes a better argument than determinism, even though they both have explanations. Determinism doesn't really explain with much detail like libertarianism does, it says that they are the cause themselves for their own life and actions due to free will.
Simplicity: Hard determinism has more simplicity because they’re actions are all supposedly predetermined, like their life and thoughts and libertarianism since they do everything without being predetermined have to show and explain why they chose that path.
            Conservatism: Libertarianism would clearly have more conservatism because people today would obviously want to say they have control of their own lives rather than not to and that everything they've done to this point is predetermined.

1. Libertarianism and hard determinism are the most plausible explanations of free will.
2. Libertarianism has more explanatory breadth, depth and conservatism. On the other hand, hard determinism has more simplicity.

3. Therefore, Libertarianism is the best explanation of Free Will.


  1. I like your explanation on why you agree with libertarianism, but I think you could have better explained why its more plausible then hard determinism.

  2. I like your ideas and thoughts about why libertarianism is the explanation for why we have free will but to make your agrument would be stronger if you showed us why it's strong than determinsm
