Tuesday, December 2, 2014



      Art work can be portrayed in many different ways, both good and bad. Aesthetics had two different theories one being romanticism and the other formalism. The view of romanticism says that art expresses emotions that are non rational. Formalism is the view that art has the ability to guide behaviors and can show ideas that compare to reality. I believe that romanticism is the more plausiable theory of the two because art is much more then just the final piece. The story behind the piece that can express things such as non rational emotions is the true meaning of the art. The art can connect to ourlives and through many factors of it. Romanticism is very powerful in its ability to express feeling and emotions.

     Explanatory breadth- romanticism does a better job explaing the work of art rather then formalism. Romanticism has much more to it in the sense that it can relate to your life and go in depth about different things. Formalism just listens and observes more then romanticism. 

    Explanatory depth- showing art through emotions is exactly what romanticism does going into detail more then formalism. Romanticism is art that goes deeper then what you see and can be interpreted in many ways. Formalism is viewing just what you see and not going further into the art work.

   Conservativism- I believe that romanticism is more consistent because people enjoy art work that is non rational and allows them to think more in depth. Art used to be very fimiliar for the pure beauty or look but today people enjoyed going into the detail or stories of the art work.

   Simplicity- I believe that the view of formalism is more simple because it doesn't go into the depth like romanticism does. Formalism even says the word formal in it which can also mean basic or simple.

   1. The most plausiable explanations of art is romanticism and formalism.

  2. Romanticism has more Explanatory breadth, Explanatory depth, and Conservativism where formalism has more simplicity.

  3. Therefore, the best explanation of art is romanticism.


  1. Andrew,
    I agree with you that romanticism is more plausible than formalism but I think you could have made your argument stronger by providing more reasons to why formalism is not more plausible. You could have said that formalism only looks at how the overall piece of art seems to our senses, and that there is more to art than just the way we perceive it to be, but overall great blog.

  2. I agree with you how romanticism is more plauseible than formalism. One thing you could've done better is explain more on conservatism, go more into depth about how romanticism is more conservatism. Overall, great job!
