Tuesday, December 2, 2014


        Art, whether it be visual like paintings or audible like music or poetry, can be looked at in two ways.  Formalism is the idea that art is present to give us structure or guide us in our thoughts, usually with rational ideas.  Romanticism says that art can convey both rational and irrational ideas, and that the meaning of the art is entirely in the hands of the beholder, giving us a sense of connection with it that lets us further interpret in unique ways.
        I agree with the idea of Romanticism because it allows for infinite options of interpretation; that is, everyone who looks at it has the ability to find a different meaning or beauty in it.  On the other hand, Formalism is only concerned with the real life aspects such as how it looks or sounds.  In other words, Formalism is lazy and does not allow freedom of interpretation.

Explanatory Breadth:  Romanticism explains art more deeply than formalism.  Romanticism makes it possible to treat anything and everything in the world as art: if someone can look at an object in an abstract way and form an idea that had not been thought of before, they can say that to them it is art.  Formalism would shoot down that idea and say art must be designed for the purpose of being visually or audibly pleasing.
Explanatory Depth:  Romanticism explains art in more ways.  Formalists look at a painting because it is visually stunning or pleasing to them; they are focused only on the material aspects of the art.  Romanticists look at a painting for the visual pleasure, but also to attempt to delve into the mind behind the painting.  Their love for art forces them to analyze it until they have formed their idea of what that painting is attempting to illustrate.
Simplicity:  Formalism has much more simplicity because it is only viewing art for its beauty or the pleasure in which it brings, without trying to analyze and form an idea of what that artist was getting at like Romanticism does.
Conservatism:  Personally I believe that in today's society, people as a whole enjoy art for what it is and means.  Most people who look at art or listen to music, either intentionally or not, will immediately begin to analyze it in their head.  When a sad song comes on or we see a depressing picture, the majority of people will have thoughts racing through their head as to what caused the sadness.

1. Romanticism and Formalism are the most plausible explanations for the purpose of art.
2. Romanticism has much more explanatory breadth, depth, and conservatism, whereas Formalism has much more simplicity.
3. Therefore, Romanticism is the best explanation for the purpose of art.


  1. You blog post is very good, your only problem is you didnt really determine which side was chosen for conservatism until your last argument. you should probably involve Romanticism in there

  2. your blog is very well written. But i believe that your conservative portion should include an argument saying why romanticism is better than formalism instead of just telling us its more conservative
