Sunday, September 14, 2014


             Acceptance can easily be defined as being able to totally and completely accept other’s choices and lifestyle without judgment. Acceptance is a virtue and positive character trait that everyone should possess.

Acceptance not only brings people together, it also increases your wisdom and understanding of the world around you. If you are accepting of other’s cultures and religions, even if they don’t agree with your own, you can learn about many new ideas and even meet fascinating people. While the other virtues we’ve learned in class are about bettering your own mental capacity and trying to bring happiness to yourself or even the gods, acceptance is a virtue that brings unity and peace to not only yourself but to every human being around you. Hate and ignorance towards other people who are different than you are the reason for war, genocide, racism, hate crimes and terrorism all across our world. To be completely and genuinely accepting, is to be understanding of someone’s actions even if they seem strange, scary or wrong. Acceptance can make our world a little less hateful and violent. Although it may take some time and patience to master this virtue, it is a wonderful value that everyone needs to learn.
A virtue is a character trait that is morally excellent, righteous or good. A virtue is something that we are not born with, it is something we must acquire and learn over time. Acceptance definitely follows this definition. Acceptance is good for everyone everywhere. No one on earth can say that being able to accept someone the way they are is a bad thing. It is good for the sake of allowing people to practice their religion safely or allowing someone to marry who they love. Acceptance lets people have the basic human rights they deserve without infringement or harassment. Everyone in the world deserves to do what makes him or her feel happy and safe. Also, acceptance is not something that we are born with; it is something that needs to be learned. It is in our nature to be wary of others who are different than us. But, we can learn to modify this so that we can create togetherness and harmony. This virtue alone can change our society for the better.

1.     All acts that are peaceful and unify society are virtuous
2.     All acts of acceptance are peaceful and unify society
3.     Therefore, all acts of acceptance are virtuous



  1. I really like your post and topic. I agree with everything you had to say and I also think that acceptance is a acquired virtue and that your're not just born with it but then again I think that would also go along with other virtues. You're aren't born with virtuous characteristics.

  2. I agree that acceptance is a virtue all should have! Being able to go beyond tolerating someone else's view's and ideas is something very hard to achieve but once people can learn and grow to accept others this world will be a better place. Acceptance is a great virtue to have and is something that will not only make your life more pleasant but those you accept as well. Good job!
