Tuesday, September 16, 2014



This virtue is the ability or willingness to recover from situations or events that change one's original state.  Unlike other virtues we discussed, resilience comes into play after someone has been knocked down.  Being resilient means that no matter what obstacles hinder your progress, theres always a way to get back up and surpass them.

I believe this is a virtue because everyone, at one point or another, gets disappointed or let down; what sets resilient people apart is their ability to get right back up after this has happened and find a good in it, or find a way to make it go as planned.  For example, Thomas Edison didn't make a light bulb on his first attempt.  He said "I didn't fail. I found out 2,000 ways how not to make a light bulb; I only needed to find one way to make it work."  People who lack this virtue give up, metaphorically, after the first few attempts at making that light bulb work.  Those who are resilient, like Edison, keep going until they achieve their goal, despite setbacks.  Another reason resilience is such a virtue is because all too often we hear our elders say how things would be different if they hadn't given up.  I hope to live my life and be able to look back without any regrets; to be able to say I didn't give up when they was a chance to make something turn out better.

1. All determined people are virtuous.
2. All resilient people are determined.
3. Therefore, all resilient people are virtuous.


  1. Barbara
    1. All instances of dedication to overcome are virtuous.
    2. All resilient acts are instances of dedication to overcome.
    3. Therefore, all resilient acts are virtuous.

  2. I agree that resilience is all about getting up once you've been pushed down. You could argue that without resilience nothing could ever get done. Life has a tendency of knocking people over and without that ability to be resilient no one would move forward. They would be stuck in sad ruts of unproductively, never to accomplish anything, due to the fact that they are so hung up on that one mistake they made forever ago.
