Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Courage, or the ability to do something that frightens you, is a very important virtue found in a human. Courage has been very beneficial to our society. Without courage the world we know today would not be the same and many things would not exist. Without courage we would live in a world of fear and cowardliness. Having courage enables people to stand up to things that frighten or harm them. It also enables them to stand up for their own beliefs. Being able to have courage is a valuable virtue because it allows you to stand up for things and be who you want to be. 
    There are many important virtues in the world, i believe that courage is one of the most important ones. Doing courageous acts have made this world what it is today. It also makes you who you are as a person. If no one had courage we would all conform to the same rules and be the exact same person. We would also be living under one persons beliefs and laws that we should be setting for ourselves. For example without courage America wouldn't exist because people would still think that the world is flat and would not have gone out exploring to find out that the world is in fact round not flat. 

All acts of standing up to something you believe in are virtuous
All acts of courage are acts of standing up for something you believe in
All acts of courage are virtuous 


  1. i think you did a really good job explaining your virtue along with giving an explanation as to why we need this virtue. this was one of the best ones i read. one thing i just felt you should of done was referred back to the readings a little more as a reference.

  2. Courage is one of the most important virtues I have seen posted so far. I do agree that without courage the world would not be the same as it is today. It is a valuable virtue that everyone should learn. However, I think you could have used a better example of courage than the discovery of the world being round and not flat. But overall good job!
