Monday, September 15, 2014


Trustworthy is a virtue that allows others to rely on being honest and truthful, as well as sticking to your word and following through to your commitments. Being trustworthy is an important virtue everyone should inquire.
             Being trustworthy allows you to build trust with one another. Having trust with another is the most important value there is in life. Without it you become relentless to building relationships with someone. Another characteristic trustworthy people have is being reliable, sticking to your word shows certainty that you follow through creating a trust between one another. Fairness plays a significant role in being a trustworthy person, treating others all alike will state that you’re a genuine person. In my opinion trustworthiness is a momentous virtue in life.
            Most often trust is betrayed by one another because they don’t understand the true meaning of trust. People don’t take into consideration that trust deals with multiple things, such as, being reliable, respectable, caring, understanding and being genuine. For example, couples will be in a relationship and one might cheat on the other, however, they won’t be truthful and tell them what they did wrong. They usually keep it to themselves, and go back to their significant other. But once the lover finds out they been cheated on, they loose trust and its hard for them to gain it back with that person and the next partner they try to connect with. Without trust, you’re living alone. Trust builds strong relationships and allows you to live a successful life.
1.)   All truthful acts are virtuous
2.)   All trustworthy acts are truthful
3.)   Therefore, all trustworthy acts are virtuous 


  1. I believe live that being trustworthy is a virtue that everyone needs. In the world today, it's hard to find a group of people that you can trust outside of your family maybe, and if everyone was trustworthy then life would be a lot simpler. You make new relationships with people everyday and if someone can't trust you then it's hard for a relationship to grow and become better. I really enjoyed your post, Great Job!!


  2. I agree with you that being trustworthy is a virtue. It is a key part in building healthy relationships. Without trust no one could have successful and healthy relationships. It is not possible for someone to rely on someone who they don't have trust in, so I also believe that being trustworthy is a virtue that everyone should have.
