Monday, September 15, 2014


Patience is a person's ability to wait something out or endure something tedious, without getting riled up. Patience is an imperative virtue for people to have in their lives. Being patient shows respect, tolerance and acceptance in yourself. Being able to refrain from complaining even when waiting for something or someone becomes uncomfortable, is a great trait that everyone should have.

Others may not see patience as a very important trait. What makes patience so virtuous? What people need to understand is that patience isn’t just waiting for someone to arrive or playing a game while dinner is being prepared. In order for your act of patience to virtuous you must experience discomfort and must be able to abstain from any kind of complaining. Enduring discomfort without complaint. It’s important for people to be patience because everything in life will not occur on your time. So why stress over things that you cannot change? If there’s no way for you to speed up time and make things happen when you like, then what’s the point of getting riled up and wasting precious energy? You’re choosing to make yourself unhappy for absolutely no reason. Another reason patience it great is because great things come to those who wait. “You can’t step in front of God and not get in trouble. When He says, ‘Go three steps,’ don’t go four,” Charles Stanley. Although the average person doesn’t want to wait for more instructions, they wish to find the solution on their own and on their own time. They want to know what’s next today not tomorrow. But your ability to wait builds character and when you can refrain from taking that extra step you then gain a virtuous quality.

    1.      All patient acts are virtuous
2.      All acts of tolerance are patient
Therefore all acts of patience are virtuous


  1. I did this virtue as well! I think my favorite part of yours is when you said, "In order for your act of patience to be virtuous you must experience discomfort...". That is so true! Learning patience most definitely is uncomfortable, you are basically fighting your natural impulses. I think the only thing you could of done was define the word more specifically but either way I walked away from your blog knowing exactly what patience is. Awesome! (:

  2. 1. Waiting for something without complaining is virtuous
    2. All patient acts are waiting for something without complaining
    3. Therefore, all patient acts are virtuous

  3. I agree that patience is a very important virtue. all the points made it the nail on the head. You can also look at this from the other side and show why its so important by pointing out fault in those who don't possess it. people with out patience rush into thin often messing up and potentially hurting themselves
