Monday, September 15, 2014


      Curiosity, or the desire to know or learn about a thing, is one of the most important virtues found in man. This restless desire to understand our universe more completely is beneficial to society in many ways. It is the ambition which drives us to explore ourselves and the world around us. It is fuel which powers scientific inquiry and philosophical contemplation. All the advancements made in our society have been sparked by curious people who desired to better understand something in our world. Had it not been for the famous early astronomers' curiosities, we may never have realized our planets position or role in the solar system. Conversely, the absence of curiosity is very harmful to a society. We saw this during the Dark Ages, when intellectual progress was stagnant and society suffered. The desire to learn new things is an extremely important trait in citizens and a virtue of mankind.
       Curiosity is a virtuous trait due to its positive affect on society and its inhabitants. The curiosity of one man can lead to many beneficial things in a community. For example, a curiosity about plants could lead to the discovery of a new herbal medicine, or a new method of agriculture which could double the yield of a farm, thus feeding more people. The pursuit of knowledge also benefits the individual by increasing his understanding of his environment. A more educated individual is irrefutably a more successful person as well.

  1. All pursuits of knowledge and understanding are virtuous.
  2. All curiosities are pursuits of knowledge and understanding.
  3. All curiosities are virtuous.


  1. Curiosity is very important to have to advance and become more knowledgeable in life. Good points on that.

  2. I would have to agree with you that curiosity is a virtue that we should have. Your points in saying that curiosity is what helped us learn about the universe is a great and valid point. If is wasn't for man being curious about things that go on, the world itself may have not advanced into what it is today. Great job!

  3. 1. All people who pursue further understanding of the world are virtuous.
    2. All curious people are people who pursue further understanding of the world.
    3. All curious people are virtuous.
